Restaurant Etiquette 101: Your Complete Guide to Proper Diner Behavior

Welcome to the ultimate guide on how to become a dining expert! Have you ever found yourself unsure of what to do with that extra napkin, or desperately trying not to make a scene while attempting to eat spaghetti gracefully? Fear not, for we have your back. In this comprehensive blog post, we will unravel the mysteries of restaurant etiquette and arm you with all the knowledge necessary to navigate any dining situation like a true pro. So grab your fork and join us as we delve into "Restaurant Etiquette 101: Your Complete Guide to Proper Diner Behavior." Get ready to impress both your friends and waitstaff alike!


Welcome to Restaurant Etiquette: Your Complete Guide to Proper Diner Behavior. In this guide, we will cover everything you need to know about proper restaurant etiquette, from how to dress and behave in a fine dining setting to how to order food anda wine like a pro. We'll also provide some helpful tips on what to do (and what not to do) in common dining situations. By the time you finish reading this guide, you'll be ready to dine with confidence at any restaurant, whether it's a casual eatery or a formal establishment.

What is Restaurant Etiquette?

There are a few basic rules of resturant etiquette that every diner should follow in order to ensure a pleasant dining experience for all. First and foremost, it is important to be respectful of your fellow diners and the waitstaff. This means keeping your voice down and avoiding disruptive behavior. Secondly, it is important to be patient when waiting for your food or drinks. Keep in mind that the kitchen staff is working hard to prepare your meal and the servers are juggling multiple orders at once. It is considered good manners to leave a tip for your server. A standard tip is 15-20% of the total bill, but you can adjust this based on the quality of service you received.

Following these simple guidelines will help ensure that everyone has a positive experience while dining out.

Dos and Don’ts for Diners

When it comes to restaurant etiquette, there are a few things you should keep in mind when dining out. Here are some dos and don’ts for diners:


-Arrive on time for your reservation

-Turn off your cell phone before being seated

-Be respectful of other guests and staff

-Order what you want from the menu

-Try new foods

-Make sure your order is correct before leaving

-Be mindful of how much you’re eating and drinking

-Pay attention to your body language

-Thank the staff for their service

Don’t:  -Show up late for your reservation  -Use your cell phone at the table  -Be rude to other guests or staff  -Order something you don’t want just because it’s on the menu  -Stick to only what you know  -Leave without checking that your order is correct first  -Pig out or get drunk  -Slouch or have bad posture  -Forget to say thank you

Tips for Making a Reservation

When you are ready to make a reservation, there are a few things to keep in mind to ensure that the process goes smoothly. First, have an idea of how many people will be in your party and what time you would like to eat. This will help the restaurant staff determine if they can accommodate your group.Next, call the restaurant directly rather than using an online reservation system. This will allow you to speak with a real person and confirm the details of your reservation. Be sure to arrive on time for your reservation. If you are running late, call the restaurant and let them know so they can hold your table.

Arrival Etiquette

If you're new to the restaurant scene, or just need a refresher on proper etiquette, this guide is for you! We'll cover everything from how to dress and behave when arriving at the restaurant, to ordering and paying the check. By the end of this guide, you'll be a pro at restaurant etiquette!

When arriving at the restaurant, be sure to dress appropriately. Many upscale restaurants have a dress code, so it's always best to err on the side of caution and dress formally. Even if the restaurant doesn't have a dress code, it's still important to look presentable. Once you're inside the restaurant, take a moment to adjust to your surroundings. If it's noisy, try to find a seat away from the commotion. If it's bright, find a seat near a window or under a dim light.

When you're ready to order, flag down your waiter or waitress and give them your drink order first. It's impolite to order food without ordering drinks first. Once you've ordered your drinks, peruse the menu and make your food selection. When you're ready to order, simply tell your waiter or waitress what you'd like and they'll take care of the rest!

Paying the check is usually fairly straightforward - unless you're dining with a large group. In that case, it's best to ask ahead of time how everyone would like to handle payment. Some people prefer to split the bill evenly amongst

Table Setting Etiquette

When you're out to eat, it's important to be on your best behavior. That means following some basic table setting etiquette. Here are a few tips to keep in mind:

1. Wait for the host or hostess to sit first.

2. Put your napkin in your lap as soon as you're seated.

3. Don't start eating until everyone at the table has been served.

4. Pass food clockwise around the table.

5. Use the utensils that are farthest away from your plate first.

6. Don't reach across the table for food or condiments - ask the person next to you to pass them to you instead.

7. Keep your elbows off the table and chew with your mouth closed.

How to Order Food and Beverages Properly

When you are ready to order your food and drinks, there are a few things to keep in mind. First, it is important to be clear and concise when ordering. The waitstaff is taking your order so that the kitchen can prepare it, and they need to know exactly what you want. Second, try to avoid ordering items that are not on the menu. If you do this, it will likely slow down the kitchen and cause delays for other diners. Be aware of your manners when ordering. Say please and thank you, and do not assume that the waitstaff will remember your order perfectly - they may have other orders to take as well.

Interacting with Restaurant Employees

When you are out at a restaurant, the employees are there to ensure that you have a great experience. There are a few things to keep in mind when interacting with them so that everyone has a positive experience.

First, it is important to be respectful to all of the employees. This includes the servers, cooks, busboys, and anyone else who is working. Remember that they are doing their best to provide you with good service, so treat them accordingly.

Second, if you have any special requests or needs, be sure to let the staff know in advance. This way, they can be prepared and make sure that your experience is as smooth as possible.

If you are happy with the service that you received, feel free to leave a tip! This is always appreciated by the staff and helps them to know that their hard work is appreciated.

Eating and Drinking Etiquette

Assuming you're dining in a casual restaurant: 

It's always polite to wait for your dining companions before starting to eat. Once everyone is seated and has been served, you may begin. If you're the first to be served and are ready to start eating, go ahead and dig in!

When eating soup, tilt the bowl away from you and scoop the soup towards you with the spoon. Eating pasta? twirl it around your fork, but don't wind up too much on your fork at once. It's also generally considered bad manners to slurp your food or make any other loud noises while eating. 

Chew with your mouth closed and avoid talking with food in your mouth. Take small bites so that you don't stuff your mouth too full, and take a moment to chew and swallow before taking another bite. It's also best not to talk too much while chewing - focus on enjoying your meal!

If you need to excuse yourself from the table, simply say "excuse me" as you get up from your seat. If you need to cough or sneeze, cover your mouth with your napkin or sleeve. And of course, always wash your hands before sitting down to eat!

Paying the Bill and Tipping Etiquette

Paying the bill and tipping etiquette can be a bit tricky to navigate, but following these simple guidelines will help ensure that you are being a courteous diner. When it comes to paying the bill, it is customary to do so at the end of the meal. If you are dining with a group, it is often expected that each person will pay for their own meal. However, if you are treating someone to dinner or are otherwise responsible for the bill, be sure to let your waiter or waitress know ahead of time so they can properly take care of things.

As for tipping, there is no set rule on how much you should tip, but a general guideline is to leave 15-20% of the total bill as a gratuity. Of course, you can always tip more or less depending on the level of service you received. Keep in mind that servers rely heavily on tips to make a living wage, so be generous if they provided good service.

Leaving the Restaurant Properly

When you're ready to leave the restaurant, it's important to do so properly. First, be sure to thank your server for their help throughout the meal. If you had a good experience, it's also appropriate to leave a tip – typically 15-20% of the total bill. Then, simply stand up and exit the restaurant. There's no need to announce your departure to anyone; just quietly leave and enjoy the rest of your evening!


Restaurant etiquette is a vital part of dining out and should be followed whenever possible. With the tips in this guide, you will be able to enjoy your meals without worry and make sure that everyone around you can do the same. Remember to always practice good restaurant behavior, from arriving on time to speaking softly with your waiter or waitress. Good manners are essential for any successful meal!